Subject Options Available for Class XI - Session (2024-25)

Subject Options Available for Class XI - Session (2024-25)




Subject 1: English Core

    Subject 1: English Core

    Subject 1: English Core

Subject 2: Physics

    Subject 2: Accountancy

    Subject 2: Political Science

Subject 3: Chemistry

    Subject 3: Business Studies

    Subject 3: Sociology

Subject 4: Mathematics/ Psychology/ Information Technology/ Legal Studies/ History/ Yoga/ Hindustani Music - Percussion Instruments/ Applied Arts

Subject 4: Mathematics/ Psychology/ Information Technology/ Legal Studies/ History/ Yoga/ Hindustani Music Percussion Instruments/ Applied Arts

Subject 4: Mathematics/ Psychology/ Information   Technology/ Legal Studies/ History/ Yoga/ Hindustani Music - Percussion Instruments/
Applied Arts

Subject 5: Computer Science / Biology / Economics / Physical Education/ Fashion Studies / Hindustani Music - Vocal/ Hindustani Music – Percussion Instruments / Early Childhood Care & Education

Subject 5: Economics / Physical Education/ Fashion Studies / Hindustani Music - Vocal/ Hindustani Music – Percussion Instruments / Early Childhood Care & Education / Biology

Subject 5: Economics / Physical Education/  Fashion Studies / Hindustani Music – Vocal / Hindustani Music – Percussion Instruments  / Early Childhood Care & Education/ Biology


R                 Range of Additional Subjects:  Mathematics / Fashion Studies / Yoga / Early Childhood Care & Education / Marketing / French / Spanish / German / Sanskrit/ Hindi /
                    Hindustani Music - Vocal / Hindustani Music Percussion Instruments / Painting / Applied Art

P       Please note:

  1. School will not be able to arrange regular classes for additional subjects, but arrange limited guidance on working Saturdays only.
           No exception will be made for Mathematics as well.
  2. School will have four sections for Science stream – A, B, F & G; Section Allotment will be at the discretion of School authorities.
  3. For XI F – Choice of 4th subject will be either Mathematics or Yoga
  4. For XI G - Choice of 5th subject will be either Computer Science or Physical Education
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"Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child. ~ Ron Wild "