Outreach Programme

The school has a very active programme that enables students to reach out and contribute to the society that has given them so much.
Some of the programmes are:

This is also an integral part of our philosophy - caring for others, for the environment around us and for the good of the country is not "taught" but is built into the curriculum of every subject. We have an inbuilt focus on  extensive Outreach programme. The students are also deeply committed to the protection and conservation of the environment. 

The school has a very active Eco Club that  along with many curricular activities aspres to create Environmental Awareness in all classes. Some of the programmes underway are the Harit Dhara, Swacchhta Abhiyyan, Green School and Conserve my Planet Initiative of Centre of Science and Environment, HT, Times of India, Paryavaran , TERI,  SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC & SHARP and WIPRO.  Waste paper from the school is recycled within the school by the students and is used once again. School Building has in-built Water Harvesting feature and encourages Greening in and around the Campus using local, community and NGO help. The school has been recognized and awarded as the best Green School of Delhi, Best in Energy Audit . The school Socail Responsibility Department with its Directors Mr Rishabh and Mr Ankur along with the Eco Club Incharges and Planet Champs have been instrumental in spearheading sensitivity in society as well.
The well- integrated Medical Programme for wellness, health, screening and nutrition aims at not only ensuring timely care, regular screening, and home-school partnership but also monitors the nutrition pattern of students at home and in school.  It regularly organises training of all concerned and also conducts interactive sessions and events for creating awarenss. First Aid- Safety Workshops are a regular feature of school for staff.
In March. all the students attend "Adventure Camps" in and outside school.  These trips help at two levels. They teach the children basic survival skills amidst a lot of fun and they also lead to a greater degree of bonding between the children and the staff.


School organises regular astronomy workshops and moon watch, solar flare watch and other planetary activities to support the curriculum and develop an excitement and love for space.

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"Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child. ~ Ron Wild "