Our Approach

We teach the child not the Subject
A unique feature of Sri VIS is the child - friendly approach to teaching that is not just activity based, but also geared towards higher order learning. With more emphasis on comprehension and analytical abilities, rather than rote memorisation, the students are initiated into a process of investigation, experimentation and deduction. The school aims at nurturing curiosity, with hands-on practical experience.


The focus is on learning rather than on teaching
Technology is used extensively as a learning tool at Sri VIS. Smart Screens, LED TVs, Computers along with intranet and internet connectivity are enabling tools for curriculum transaction. Teacher development programmes are at the core of all innovations in classroom. Regular workshops on Multiple Intelligences, Action Research, Hands on Science and Mathematics teaching, Flipped Classes, Llanguage training, IT Training, Phonetic Training, Read Aloud, Storytelling, Dramatics, Assessment tools, Yoga and Meditation, Life Skills Education,  ECCE, Google Applications , Microsoft Innovative Educator and Student Ambassador Programme , Conserve My Planet  and Other Eco Club Initiatives and Safe Net usage by Facebook, Wipro applying thoughts in School are conducted.

The School is  affiliated with C.B.S.E. and has been recognised as a Microsoft Showcase School- 2015, Web rangers 2015 by Google,  Best School in Green Championship 2015, , Best Energy Audit  by Schneider Electric and SHARP, Best Green School in Delhi and Third Best at National Level by Centre for Science and Environment, First School to be granted Membership of Quality Standards in English Teaching by the British Council in India, Awarded Outstansding ISA Certification for projects having global dimension by the Britsh Council among many others. 


Supplementry Materials Designed for Reading and Numeracy for Early Graders (I-III)

Class I

Class II

Class III


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"Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child. ~ Ron Wild "