LogIQIDs Olympiad result (2019-20 & 2020-21)

LogIQIDs Olympiad result


“If you can dream it, you can do it.”

This quote actually holds true for our young achievers of class V for the Session: 2019-20 in LogIQIDs Olympiad held at National Level where they have brought laurels to school by securing top ranks with their diligence and perseverance.

LogIQids, an innovative web-based learning platform to develop Mental Ability in learners at a young age. By engaging learners in brain development, it enhances various skill-sets like critical thinking, problem solving and creativity.
We feel proud to announce the names of the winners of LogIQIDs Olympiad Competition.

Pranjal Manna, Adwaya Shah, Yash Sehrawat, Dhairya Adlakha and Saish Purkayastha secured top positions.

Heartiest Congratulations to the young achievers!!

We are glad to bring to you the result of LogIQids Mental Aptitude Olympiad, 2020-21 designed and conducted by LogIQids.
It helped to develop important 21st century skills like Problem Solving, Analytical Thinking, Verbal Reasoning, Spatial Reasoning, Creativity and Lateral Thinking
The main objective of this test is to help kids develop and enhance their mental aptitude, which is one of life’s most important skill-sets and is also tested in almost every entrance/recruitment exam.
We heartily congratulate all achievers, parents and mentors.



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"Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child. ~ Ron Wild "